Friday, February 5, 2010

clear up

So, I feel that I need to clear something up. It struck me that as I expressed my maddness the other day, I might have given the impression that these events have all happened recently. I would like to make the note that these things started occuring sometime halfway through last semester and that the most recent event actually occured 2 weeks ago at least.

I would also like to note that I do in fact love my friends and have appreciated all of the help that they have given me. I am not an easy person to deal with sometimes, so I would just like to thank you all. See, the only people who would possibly read this are the people who I truly care about and the people that care about me. Every single one of you has helped me so much and sometimes you may not know the impact that you have had on my life.

I'm just such a panzy sometimes that I have a hard time expressing my thanks. Talking to anyone in general usually strikes me with terror, especially when I'm trying to talk about myself. So thank you for listening. I hate telling people about my problems because I know that everyone has their own set of problems and I hate adding to them. Although I have been sadly lacking in this area, please, feel free to talk to me. I'd rather deal with your problems any day. ;) I miss all of you my friends. I'm sorry I'm such a panzy.

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