Wednesday, September 23, 2009

☼College Adventures☼

Part II

Day 3

Paparazzi Vultures

I was practicing my guitar before class when I see something flit across my vision. I take no note of it and continue practicing. I'm beginning to get worried, creatures have been flitting around me for a few minutes now and I'm afraid that I'm the focus of their attention. Then it happens! A large man descends on me with camera in hand and pretty much demands that I let him take a picture of me. I see nothing else that I can do so I agree. He snaps the camera and then wanders away looking for another victim and I continue practicing my guitar, hoping that was the end of that. Little did I know, there were three more predators stalking. I had seen them walking back and forth in front of me. First only one girl, then a second one joined her. Next thing I know there were three of them and they decide to home in on me. The last girl of their group had been elected spokesperson and asked me if they could take my picture. They said that it was an assignment for a photography class to take pictures of strangers. She emphasized the strange. I agreed to let them take pictures and it was like I'd shot one of them! They moved into a reverse V formation and left me with no options of escape. Then as one they all crouch down, whip out their giant cameras and start clicking away. They seemed very predatory and almost too eager in their photo taking. The lead girl attracted my attention away from the other two by asking me questions about my guitar and the class I was in. Finally, they were finished with their photo taking and left me be. I could only consider myself lucky that they left me alive.

Day 4


All I wanted was a charger for my PSP. I'd been without music and games for an entire week, and while I know that I don't need music or games to survive, I do need them to live. So After finishing classes at school, I take a little jaunt over to the local gaming store, Play'N Trade. I'm not really paying attention to the cars parked out front, but as soon as I walk in the doors, I wish I had. Geeks. Lots and Lots and Lots of Geeks. Conveniently, they were all congregated around the front door as I walked in. As I look over the sea of heads, I don't see a single female in the entire store. So not only are they geeks, they are all male geeks. My step falters for a moment as I realize that I am the only one of my species in the room, but I continue on bravely. I need that charger after all. I walk up to the counter find my charger, buy it, and get out. There is only so much a girl can do when faced with such a strong tide, not to mention that there was a giant man dressed up in a costume from the "big" game that was being sold. I think that next time I make a run to a geekstore, I'm going to make sure not to go when a new game is being released. I think it'd be safer for all parties involved.

End of Part II


  1. Hm. I've been at this comment plane a while. You should know that I'm horrible at replying, so... all that's needed from me is:



    You know you're fawesome, don't you?

    I wish I was better at this. But alas!
    May you have a good... whenever you read this!

  2. Wow. The adventures you have had over the past couple of days kind of scare me-- I'm surprised you lived! You make me laugh so much.
