Tuesday, August 25, 2009

hahaha brief! ☺

Sooo...I was considering updating...maybe I will after all. ^_^ I mean, 3 oclock in the morning isn't that late, er, early is it? *blinks* Okay maybe it is. :/ I'll just be brief then.
Today was the last day of assigned torture! To translate, I no longer will be babysitting two wonderful children on a regular basis. For the past 2-3 months every monday and wednesday, I have had the pleasure of watching Keegan (5) and Aubynn (3) from about 10am-3pm. Now don't get me wrong, I learned a lot of patience from them! I also learned for myself how small children can be like parrots, repeating things that you didn't mean to be heard ever again...Nothing bad mind you, but not exactly nice either. I do honestly love those children, but I can't stand how spoiled they are! At the first sign of a No passing from my lips, both children bust out the water works and expect me to change my answer to a Yes. I'm sorry, but tears are not a very convicing argument for me. I tried breaking them of this nasty habit, but I'm afraid that I was not totally succesful. By the end of this...not trial...what's the word I'm looking for? anyway, by the end of this, the children did learn that I don't give into everything they ask for. They did teach me a lot, but I am glad that I won't have to watch them regularly anymore. This sounds terrible I know, but they try a person's patience with their constant stream of questions and their very, very, short attention spans. I will gladly continue to babysit them if they ever need me for an emergency, but in the mean time, I plan on storing up new things that I can teach them. Did you know that they had no idea where Idaho was?
I could go into work at Dairy Keen right now...I think I'll just make one comment. For every employee that gets fired, we end up with someone who has the exact characteristics that encouraged release in the first place. Will we never be rid of the "Jordan Conlin"?! Maybe there'll be more info on him later. Skyler, if by some freak incident you read this...you are not Jordan Conlin...right...nothing like him...yeah...
hahaha! brief! ^_^

1 comment:

  1. My dear, I feel your pain. I don't know how many babysitting jobs I've had that didn't have a single vegetable in the house. I was appalled. I kept having to call my mom to bring us some frozen carrots for dinners...
