Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Ok, so Guitarman Dan is old news. I have other stories that are much more entertaining. ^_^ I'll be skipping around events for now, because I feel that the chainsaw man is quite an epic story. :D

So, it begins

Chainsaw Man
Spook. Alley. Where else would you find a deranged chainsaw man? I guess you could happen upon a random one in the woods or something like that, but most people don't. Now, I haven't been to many spook alleys. They're fun and all, but they just seem like to much effort. Two friends and I decided to go to one tonight...We were bored out of our minds! Sure there were a few spots where they had people jumping out at us that made me jump, but nothing that serious. Then, we got outside. Have I ever told you how much I hate chainsaw men? I know that the chainsaws are missing the chain, but still.

So, we get outside and see this person hiding behind a barrel. He has a chainsaw in his hand. At first it doesn't work when he tries to turn it on, so it was anticlimactic. Then he gets it going. I was laughing before, but then he starts advancing towards us! Thankfully, a group of people just walked outside with us and distract the chainsaw man. I run in the opposite direction. Now, chainsaw man is stationed right next to the exit and next to a maze. I guess he's supposed to chase people through the maze before they figure out where the exit is. So I run into the mini maze. I end up getting separated from my friends and am all alone. I find my way back to the exit and see my two friends talking to the chainsaw man!

They're pointing in my direction and telling him how terrified I am of him!!! Before they even start moving, I run back into the maze. I'd explored enough to navigate to the second entrance because I can hear them coming in from the first one. I'm running full tilt into this maze all the while listening as the chainsaw man kept getting closer. I run out of the mini maze and find myself hiding in another even smaller maze. All this time, I can hear the chainsaw man over in the other side trying to find me. I can even hear my friends helping him trying to find me!

The noises stop but I still wait a minute. I finally come creeping from my hiding place when I see my friends! I'm about to run to them when the chainsaw man, hiding behind them, sees me! He comes running at me and I see no way of escape, so I run back to my hiding place where of course he finds me. I'm backed all the way into the corner and I'm pleading with him to leave me alone because he really is freaking me out. He only continues his advance and stands not even a foot away from me. What's really freaky is that he's taking his chainsaw and slashing it at the grounds so that it makes sparks! Then he's slashing at the wall of the maze right in front of me!!! I dash around him and run for the exit! I stop suddenly before the entrance and he almost runs into me! Finally my friends are somewhat helpful and show me the way out, so now I'm running for the exit.

I get outside and slow down because I think I'm safe. Then I hear the chainsaw again, right behind me! I let out a screech and race down the road to the entrance. What's funny is that there are people walking slowly in front of me. One of the girls turns and seeing me, she starts running too! I get back to the beginning and of course, no one is really following us. As soon as my friends catch up I let them have it! I made sure that both of them had dead arms and at least a few bruises on their shins. I did not appreciate having them sic the chainsaw man on.

I would like to let you all know, if you ever sic a chainsaw man at me, I will maim you and leave you to trip him up. ^_^ Deal?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

☼ College Adventures ☼

Guitarman Dan has been sighted!!! Everybody ruuuuuuuuunnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!

More about the second and third encounter with the crazyman later...when I actually have time on the computer for things other than school stuff.

Friday, October 2, 2009

My Friend

I never thought it was hard just to be a friend. It's pretty straightforward, right? I mean, sure there are moments when even the truest of friends falter, but what is life for other than to test our mettle? I like being a friend. I like making friends. Above all though, I love my friends. On days when I would float away and forget this plane, my friends remind me of reality and anchor me. Life is no simple thing though. In fact, I'd dare say that it is one of the most complicated things in existance. I love my friends as friends and sometimes as sisters/brothers. Why can't they just love me as a friend?I want nothing more.

I'm sorry my dear friend, but my heart is no longer mine. I've given the key to someone else to care for. I'm sorry because I know that this will make you hurt. I hurt because you hurt. We are friends, and that is all we ever will be. I'm sorry if I led you to believe otherwise. Oh my Friend, my dear Friend, I value our friendship. Please continue to be my friend. I am sorry if I ask too much, but it is all I can do. I told you from the very beginning that I you had to be wary of me. I have never been the kindest friend. I do try, but I am not perfect.

I propose a toast! To Friendship! The one true thing that keeps this world spinning on its axis, and tossing us on our heads! *gulp*